Pippis' fourth litter: with Ditmar. |
d.o.b.: May 24, 2007 |
mommy Pippi |
daddy Ditmar |
1 | male | 109 grams | red tabby mack. w/ white | Kyrre av Litte kattestupet |
sold |
2 | male | 91 grams | red tabby mack. w/ white | Kalle av Litte kattestupet |
available |
3 | male | 77 grams | red tabby mack. w/ white | Kristian av Litte kattestupet |
sold |
Kyrre |
Kalle |
Kristian |
3 weeks old: | |
Kyrre |
Kristian & Kalle | |
4 weeks old: |
Kalle |
and observant little Kristian.... |
the family happily together. |
5 weeks old: |
6 weeks old: |
Kyrre, almost asleep |
Kalle, helping out |
Kristian |
7 weeks old, resting in their favorite chair, with mommy & daddy: |
The gang, 9 weeks old: |
10 weeks old in these pictures: | |
Kyrre |
Kalle |
Kristian | |
Pippi with 2 of the three boys on August 10, 2007. |
Kyrre, Aug. 10, 2007 |
Kristian, same day. |
Kalle and Kristian at the water bowl, Aug. 24, 2007. |
Kalle and Kristian on
November 2, 2007 after Kyrre had left for his new home. |
to the personal page of Kyrre
to the personal page of Kalle
to the personal page of Kristian