Pelle and Snorre
It was a great joy for us that these two went together, to live with their semi-brothers David and Daniel, now called Knut and Olle. We have heard some great stories about these four: the two big brothers have adopted their little brothers and are kind of playing house with them, taking care of Pelle and Snorre.... Lucky guys!! |
Pelle on the left and Snorre on the right: they were at home very quickly and started to explore the garden within days after arrival! The garden may not be very big, but it has all kinds of exciting little places and it is made completely safe! | |
This is another picture of the little guys together. As Knut and Olle take their task at heart it's rare to catch Pelle and Snorre together! Usually either Olle or Knut is very near as you will see in the pictures in the page of all four boys together... |
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