On this page we would like
to tell you something about the Norwegian Forest Cat (NFO or NFC). Its' history,
as far as it can be known.... For the cats don't say much on this subject.
Maybe they consider it of lesser importance than being in the here and now, and living
with the creatures they love so well: us humans.....
The "Wegie" is a
semi-longhaired cat. This gene for long hair is recessive to the dominant
gene for short hair. When and where it came into being is not exactly
known, fact is it was there to stay! Because circumstances were more favorable
to these semi-longhaired cats in the extreme regions of our world: they
survived the bitter cold of Norwegian winters with more ease than their
shorthaired feline friends would have, so they were able to conquer
the forests and farms of Norway and stay there!
It's not certain how they got to Norway in the first place. Were they
there when the Vikings started to roam the seas, and did they bring them
along to keep the rats and mice from their rations? Did they find the cats
in Europe, Asia or the Middle East, and brought them home for their
rodent-controlling skills?
They managed to find their way into the Vikings' hearts however, and into
their stories: in 12th century hymns they pull the fiery wagon of the
goddess Freya along the skies each day: the rising of the sun. I would say
that's quite an important place in history!